
Collaboration across Teams

Working with Teams

Prommpt makes it easy to work with teams. Any Prommpt user can join or start a team. What is specifically handy is, that users of one team can easily invite members of other teams to join their project teams.

With this ability, Company A can have a team subscription for say, 5 members while Company B has a large planning department with 35 users – C has 5 Experts etc. Each of those users can be members in a multitude of teams working on different projects (or even project portfolios). Anyone can invite anyone registered on the Prommpt platform to join or invite anyone to their team.


Prommpt User Name: Jenny C.
Joined: Jan 2018
Company: WYG.com

Jenny Marner – Senior Project Manager International at WYG Plc. joined Prommpt as a user by an invite from her international project director at WYG in 2018. Jenny is responsible for multiple international contracts and manages her projects with the assistance of up to thirty outside contractors and specialists. Currently, she is on 8 teams with between 5 to 38 members. All the projects she’s on, are also grouped in her own Project Portfolio so she’s on-top each day.

Why WYG switched to Prommpt.

When you are working in a Project Management Office you will know the constraints of working with a multitude of tools to keep track of project ongoings. With Prommpt, all required data on ongoing projects is shared with the team on it. Sharing is role-based and granular, so critical information is only accesible to those who need access – while other information is shared across roles.

Keeping track of her project portfolio and project timelines, issues, decisions, notes, earned value – project health: With Prommpt at Jenny’s and her diverse international teams fingertips.

Ditching Other tools?

Jenny has eliminated many of the old tools: Out with EVA excel-sheets, gone are self-compiled reports in Word, 80% less mails going to-and-from with her team members, important documentation safely stored and attached in the Prommpt platform and logs.

“With our dedicated on-premise installation of Prommpt  we are at the forefront of modern project management. Our staff is extremly happy and vastly more efficient. We have become a true international  real-time project management group – all filed and management data is right there, whenever we need it”


Project Management Group Director , WYG PLC.

Analyzing Our Problem

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Creating A Custom Solution

Donec luctus pellentesque scelerisque. Vestibulum efficitur ac libero nec porttitor. Praesent fermentum erat vel tortor eleifend, ut congue purus consectetur. Morbi vel massa elit. In maximus orci in metus hendrerit vestibulum.

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Efficiency gains with Prommpt.com

Many time consuming and inefficient tools can be laid at rest while project communication efforts become vastly more effective.


Increase In Productivty


Higher Turn-Over per Capita


Decrease in Meetings


Decrease in Emails

Download to Get Started

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