The portfolio and project management capabilities of Prommpt are the perfect resource to a PMO and Prommpt’s collaboration features ensure realtime, seamless and transparent flow of information. This transparency and full-picture information is crucial to keeping projects and programmes aligned with the organisations strategic goals.
There is no globally adopted and recognised standard for PMOs and models applied by organisations differ a lot. However, there are robust and proven approaches in the initiation and operation of PMOs. It needs to be accepted that PMOs are not static entities but rather subject to controlled adaptation depending on the situational change. Often, the main function of a PMO focuses predominately on prioritising, selecting, resourcing, and reviewing continuously the viability and progress of projects throughout the organisation.
The benefits of a PMO lies in the developing and establishing of the governing framework in which the organisation’s projects shall be executed. A PMO can also provide specialised expertise and an extended resource pool that can be accessed by the organisation during the execution of projects. The training and development of resources provided by the PMO yields trained project managers, increased accountability, and adoption and application of rigorous project management standards. In essence, the PMO is a service provider to the other departments of an organisation and helps the achievement of the strategic goals through aligned project selection and continual viability evaluation of projects. Through the centralised monitoring of projects, the PMO provides important decision making support to senior management through reporting and status tracking of the various projects and programmes. The PMO can also take care of the administrative issues like contract administration, procurement, supplier management and the like. At the end of the project and during close out, the PMO requests and gathers the lessons learned and keeps a central repository to build up the organisational knowledge base.